
New Solutions for Menopausal Skin Care: Sensitivity & Beyond

66% of menopausal women have started using additional anti-aging facial skin care after noticing specific side effects of menopause, while 33% began using a more hydrating facial skin care product than they did prior to menopause.
66% of menopausal women have started using additional anti-aging facial skin care after noticing specific side effects of menopause, while 33% began using a more hydrating facial skin care product than they did prior to menopause.
Jacob Lund, Rido and Gorodenkoff at Adobe Stock
This video is sponsored by: Acme Hardesty Co Inc

A recent U.S. consumer survey found that 91% of women reported being likely or somewhat likely to find targeted products to help with menopause.

Each day in the United States, 6,000 women enter menopause, which amounts to 2 million individuals every year. Given current life expectancies, according to the Mayo Clinic, women are now expected to spend 1/3 of their lives in menopause. Yet the beauty and personal care industry is still playing catch up to meet this booming population's needs. 

Across the perimenopausal, menopausal and postmenopausal phases of life, women are widely experiencing hormonal breakouts, dehydrated skin and loss of elasticity, painful sex and vaginal dryness, and much, much more.

As a result, 66% of menopausal women have started using additional anti-aging facial skin care after noticing specific side effects of menopause, while 33% began using a more hydrating facial skin care product than they did prior to menopause.

Her intimate care purchase behaviors have also changed; 51% have bought a vaginal lubricant since entering any of the menopausal stages.

Fortunately, there are ingredients and formulation philosophies that can ensure consumers are able to access beauty and personal care products that address this sometimes challenging stage of life. 

👉🏽 Register below to access a free briefing and formulation/ingredient trend breakdown for the menopausal beauty and care sector, featuring Caren Dres-Hajeski of Acme-Hardesty and Jeb Gleason-Allured of Global Cosmetic Industry. 

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