As more countries jump on the animal testing "ban wagon," cruelty-free has become an even more important aim for cosmetic brands and cosmetic brush manufacturers in particular.
To this end, Taiki Cosmetics is finding its own place in the cruelty-free brush market. Jim Perry, president and CEO of TaikiUSA, said there are many benefits to using alternatives to animal-based brushes in addition to their sustainability. For example, the company recently launched a patented TaFre+ fiber brush.
"It's partially organic, 28% made from renewable [plant-based] resources," said Perry of the 100% cruelty-free brush. "The company's unique process of twisting and tipping this fiber mimics squirrel hair."
Using ionic silver, TaFre+ fibers also feature an antibacterial effect. "Ionic silver kills the bacteria that comes from your face [and] accumulates within a brush," said Perry.
Here more from Perry about this latest innovation for makeup brushes in the video below.