Mixer & Pack Starts Production at Cabanillas del Campo Manufacturing Plant

Juan Mediavilla, general manager of Mixer & Pack with Mr. Luis Blanco.Herranz, First Deputy Mayor of Cabanillas del Campo.
Juan Mediavilla, general manager of Mixer & Pack with Mr. Luis Blanco.Herranz, First Deputy Mayor of Cabanillas del Campo.

Mixer & Pack has started activity in the company's new perfumery and cosmetics contract manufacturing plant, located in Cabanillas del Campo.

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The production plant is projected as one of the main points of creation and production of perfumery in Europe, due to the improvement of efficiency, competitiveness and new flows of the processes and services provided to its customers.

Mixer & Pack's new facilities have innovatively agile, technological processes and Industry 4.0 hyperconnectivity. With an investment of more than 25 million euros, the increase in its capacity exceeds 38,000 m2, and has been projected with the aim of guaranteeing sustainable growth, as well as continuing the quality and safety requirements demanded by its customers through:

• Logistics capacity increasing.

• Optimization of production and finished product flows.

• Integral improvement of production and quality processes and policies.

• Acquisition of new areas designed for future extensions.

• Modernization of existing facilities and processes.

The new plant will cover the entire development process, from the beginning of creative and branding ideas, olfactory adaptation, the development of packaging, the formulation, maceration, processing and packaging of fragrances.

The new location places Mixer & Pack in one of the greatest strategic points at a logistical and industrial area. Currently the SI-20 acts as a central point of national and international supply, as well as a distribution center to main cities in the downtown area.

Juan Mediavilla, general director of Mixer & Pack, said, “The improvements implemented in the new plant allow Mixer & Pack to consolidate its leadership position at a national and international strategic level, as well to continue with its internationalization strategy implemented in the last four years.”

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