
HK Innovers’ Award-Winning Peptide Design Technology

Hkinnovers Gci2201 Lead

Introducing a proprietary skin delivery system, developed by HK Innovers, that is revolutionizing skincare. HK Innovers is the group that was formed when Hankuk Kolmar acquired US PTP and Canadian CSR.

Imagine a technology so innovative it is capable of delivering effective skin ingredients to target and banish damaged cells.

HK Innovers, the leading Korean cosmetics ODM company, has developed such a technology by way of its patented peptide design technology that absorbs damaged skin cells, and delivers targeted active ingredients with speed and accuracy.

The company’s peptide design technology works by binding itself to skin cell receptors, finding the damaged cells, and promptly dismantling them.

The peptide technology was inspired by the drug delivery system used in pharmaceuticals. The technology applies similar “targeted therapy” principles whereby, for example, headache medicine works only on a headache, and medicine to treat an upset stomach delivers active ingredients solely to address that symptom.

Likewise, HK Innovers’ technology targets specific cells only allowing effective ingredients such as barrier strengthening and regenerating ingredients to seek out the damaged targeted cells, and absorb them.

Hkinnovers Gci2201 Graph

Convergence of Cosmetics and Pharmaceutical Technology

The peptide design technology features a unique convergence of cosmetics and pharmaceutical technology.

HK Innovers’ cosmetic technology patent is the first in the industry to win the “Triple Crown” in Korea. It was awarded the coveted NEP (New Excellent Product) certification from Korea’s Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, a first in the cosmetic ODM industry. NEP certification is only given to exceptional products that are either first on the market in terms of innovation or are created to improve existing technologies. In addition, HK Innovers also received the King Sejong Award and the Jang Yeong-sil Award.

The company’s peptide design technology is seeing huge success, both in domestic and global markets. The technology has surpassed 450 billion Korean won (USD $380 million) in cumulative sales just three years since launching.

 For more information, contact Taehee Kim, head of overseas sales. Email: [email protected] 


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